Hola!I got thiz tot again..I need to cut my nose rite now!!Urgh!Been havin a flu since mornin..sakit seh!haizz..Met Malis,Chun n Jermaine at 9.30 den wen to McD to do our OB project..Smangat giler nye!heheh..My nose was soo irritatin..flowin flowin so felt soo FRUSTRATED tat i bought myself a packet of tissues..Got myself ard 12 packets of tissues..Happy Dee ade bnyk tissue!hehe..Gav each to my friends..haha..den at 1 wen to meet Mal,Tasha,Ju n Fik..went to buy present for Nina..Wen to ToyRus for awhile..not tat nice i prefer the old one coz the new one got the smell of newest..hahah..At Nina house..we ate den watched Mean girl..the show i longed to watch..great seh although almoz at the end of the movie the disc stuck..haizz..
AFter tat wen to Estpt to juz sit n waste time..Wanted to sit at Starbucks but since onli Mal bought drink decided not to..Talked bout havin a gatherin..A chalet at the end of Sept..Syam suggested to hav like an amazin race so it'll b fun..hahahha..Cant wait for it!hrmm..den Fik n Kamil wen off so we headed to the pondok near Mal's house n sat there..Talked n laughed n talked n laughed..had such a FANTARIFFIC time..hehe..Taj did Tasha hair..He's really good at it!Me bein a girl also not tat expert..hehe..well..sat till 8.15 den headed back home..tday was a great day..meetin up n catchin up wif my sec skool friends hav always been great!
Im tired seh now..Like wake up so early..Headache!Tmr comin early again..hehhe..Mestilar skolah!hahha..so tday was the last episode of Paradise Hotel..Luckily Dave nvr won n nvr got the money..hahah..Hate him lar!Like wen he first enter i was like thiz guy in this show..hahah..Dee so bad!hehhe..
Lotsa marShmaLLows DeeP in cHOcOLAtEs,
Princess Dee
3:09 PM
Hola!3 days to go until i finish repayin my fast..hmmm..at skool there was thes CCN day..Punyelar pack..Business skool was like wow!pack gilernye..So difficult to walk..haizz..but den the food tat was bein sold was soo temptin tapi ya i fastin..so hav to close eyes..heheh..Well..I was soo shocked tat i actualli did quite ok for my CSA was expectin a juz pass or fail..hahha..happy seh..n ya..tday was the most embarassin day ever..I trip at bridge wen goin up..haizzz..sungguh malu...i dun even looked at the face of the guy who asked me if i was ok..i nod my head and walked as fast as i could..blurgh!I was like shit!shit!shit! inside my head lar.. cant believe tat i trip..n wen goin to tuition i actualli almost fall wen boardin the bus..luckily got handle..haizz..if not...bleah!
Mama cooked spagetthi tday..Yummy!Yummy!hehe..Tmr im skoolin at 8..urgh!Got to wake up early juz for the BSG captain's ball..haizz..n im gonna b the MC for tmr..Wonder if it will go well..Dee kan pemalu susa nak public speakin..hahhaha...I noe tmr gonna b tirin..aizz...den got dance..bz seh!hehehe..ermm..miss goin out..i mean really goin out...until night..coz been soo bz wif skool..den sat also got skool..den thiz sun tot goin to Nina's bdae party but then ive got a grp meetin..eargh!mayb goin there later or nvr go..haizz..bru nak jumpe kwn2..
Ive been hearin this song but hav no idea wat's the tittle is..den juz now tanx to Cuzz Fizah..I got the lyric..Its So ConfusedNice seh!!
Well I know we just met yesterday
But things feel oh so right
Cause you always know just what to say
And what is on my mind
Well I feel I need a special way
To ask you to be mine
But I dont know when's the perfect day
Or whats the perfect time
Babe you leave me confused
Dont know if I
should let you know or wait it out boy
Wish I knew just what to do
Im so confused
So boy what you wanna see
Wanna see me get down on my knees
Wanna hear me begging baby please
Wanna hear me crying for mercy
Oh boy I wish I knew your world
I think im losing my head over you
Well I know that it maybe too soon
to know just what you'd like
But I wana know what you've been thru,
what you want from life
Its so real the way I feel so true,
its been so hard to find
Wanna now how you feel for me too,
so I can make up my mind
Well someone once told me that you'd end up lonely
Dont let love ever pass you by
Coz I've seen it happen to people
that mattered to me with my very own eyes
Maybe they were mistaken
And I should be waiting, for you to show me a sign
Or should I just let you know that if I let you go,
Id wonder the rest of my life
To be or not to be, that is the question
I dont know what to do Im in a state of confusion
All I want from you is your love and affection
Is this love real or just an illusion?
Did some edittin to the lyricz..ahackz!
Lotsa blUeBeRrY pAncAkE!
Princess Dee
2:35 PM
Hola!hmmm..Yday there was the BSG interclass captain's ball.. n though my class didn win..I had a great time cheerin for them!They played really really well!!I cant play since im in e main comm.. Niway..me n Weilin was cheerin n shoutin..such a well played game.. Seriously..u guys were EXTREMELY GOOODY!Den we actualli kinda get to noe each other better..heheh..n Gerwyn really shocked me when he got a tattoo...OMG!I seriously didn belive tat he would actually hav a tattoo as he's soo kuai..hehhe..ya..
stereotypin..hahahha..n me n Weilin had fun takin picz from Chun EvEr So WoW Hp..heheh..I really wanted to play so wen Joedan told me tat i could play..I was sooo HAPPY..We form the BSG grp and versus this class wif no opponent..n we hav to actualli let them win..n it was soo FuNny how we fake thing..but we were all tired ar coz of the runnin n passin of ball..Had a great time!
Got back my account paper n alhamdulilah..i pass..was quite happy but tmr CSA seriously i got no confident in it..haizz..da lar salah interpret qnz..Blurgh!n guess wat i took a cab to skool again coz im late as usual..darn!Seriously..y muz every Thurs i would woke up late?Truk tul ar..I alaramed my hp 30 mins earlier but i actually woke up 30 mins later den the usual time..8.30..Rushed to skool as i noe my account lecturer is soo ever particular abt punctuality.. n SuRpRiSe!SuRpRiSe! Noone in my class was late tday..hahah..coz last week we hav learn our lessons..hehehhe..
Hate my nose very the much..Got flu again!!N i cant stand it!Urgh! Princess gotta sleep if not tmr bangun lambat!hahhaa..
Lotsa cuties n sweeties,
Princess Dee
4:00 PM
Hola!Tday i wore formal to skool..n Papa send me to skool as I wan him to ar..heheh..malu nak naik bus..hehhe..n he was soo sweet..coz it was rainin juz now he actually dun mind him gettin wet so tat i would b dry..hehe..Luv him sooo much!n i think i was soo formally dress juz now..Yvonne all said like pro..ehem!hehe..n my presentation went alright...oklar..n wow!u look so smart..n cute as usual but ur presentation was abit too long..but it was kinda interestin..wif all those urrgh!i cant seem to see picz..heheh..
n Ive got my Econs n OB..I pass..so alhamdulilah.. :)
After skool,decided to giv Nenek a visit as she is sick..kesian nenek kesayangan saye..den wen to nearby coffeeshop brought for her bread n myself food to break my fast..Ard 8..Cik Yam,Cuz Art,Ati n Izhar came..Izhar soooooo CUTE!Love tat lil cuzzy of mine..so hyper tday!hehe..ermmm..first wanted to go to teach tuition but then Mama said dun go tday as nenek is sick n so i nvr wen..Mama,Papa n Hafiz came..Ard 9+ wen back home..luckily tday need not take public transport..hehe..Nenek said i look soo matured wearin formal..heheh..Cucu nenek da besar lar katekan..ahhahah..
Soalnya hati sukar dimengerti
Apa terjadi diluar kawalan diri
Ntah mengapa sejak bersua
Aku dilanda resah..
Kau mengwarnai mimpiku
Ku dlm igauan mimpi...
Gotta do my accounts tutorial..Blurgh!N hope tmr i'll be early..
Lotsa smiles n grinzzz,
Princess Dee
1:30 PM
Hola!Wen i came across thiz wen i was blog-hoppin..I noe I hav to share it wif u ppl!It's sooo SWEET n TOUCHIN!Almost cried..boohooo..Seriously..it touched my heart..
A man came home from work late, tired and irritated, to find his 5-year old son waiting for him at the door.
"Daddy, may I ask you a question?"
"Yes sure, what is it?" replied the man.
"Daddy, how much do you make an hour?"
"That’s none of your business, why do you ask such a thing?" the man said angrily.
"I just want to know, please tell me, how much do you make an hour?" pleaded the little boy.
"If you must know, I make $20 an hour."
"Oh," the little boy replied, with his head down, looking up, he said, "Dad, may I please borrow $10?"
The father was furious, "If the only reason you asked that is so you can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or some nonsense, then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed, think about why you are being so selfish."
"I work long hard hours everyday and don’t have time for such this childish behavior."
The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door.
The man sat down and started to get even angrier about the little boy’s questions.
How dare he ask such questions only to get some money.
After about an hour or so, he had calmed down, and started to think he may have been a little hard on his son.
Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that $10 and he really didn’t ask for money very often.
The man went to the door of the little boy’s room and opened the door.
"Are you asleep son ?" he asked.
"No daddy, I’m awake." replied the boy.
"I’ve been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier," said the man.
"It’s been a long day and I took out my aggravation on you. Here’s the $10 you asked for."
The little boy sat straight up, smiling. "Oh, thank you daddy !" he yelled.
Then, reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled up bills.
The man, seeing that the boy already had money, started to get angry again.
The little boy slowly counted out his money, then looked up at his father.
"Why do you want more money if you already have some ?" the father grumbles.
"Because I didn’t have enough, but now I do," boy replied.
"Daddy, I have $20 now, can I buy an hour of your time ? Please come home early tomorrow, I would like to have dinner with you."
Share this story with someone you like…..but even better, share $20 worth of time with someone you love.
It’s just a short reminder to all of you working so hard in life.
We should not let time slip through our fingers without having spent some time with those who really matter to us, those close to our hearts.
Touchin rite?Learn to appeciate every moment u hav wif ya love ones..Coz u wouldn noe wen they will b gone..the cruel fact of life..everyone gonna leaves the world even ur love n dearest ones.. Afterall..they are wat matters to u..
Lotsa tsk tsk,
Princess Dee
3:58 PM
Hola!So my mum haven got back..Hate it wen she's not at home..i hav to clean the house..blurgh!Luckily..she's goin to b home sooon..hehe..She's goin b back from Vietnam..wonder wat she buys..hehe..Niway..today i fast!hehe..happy seh coz at last after much delayin i fast bab nak byar puase babe..heheh..den juz now suddenly gitu got the ice-cream man at the bridge..Tempted seh!heheh..Juz now presentation durin Commskill..well..its my friend turn..n i can say they did good..Jas was great..Malis soo funny..she was kinda shiverin den sat at her place back..cute seh..heheh..
Aaaaaaah!!Cute seh u juz now..Meltin here..if onli we talk..smile smile onli..haizzz..heheh..K..Dee's C.R.A.Z.Y. as usual..in class i hav a hard time concentratin..hehehe..
n yday wen im sooo BORED..i managed to get thiz..hehehe..Bout me..
![]() Scorpio - Your Love ProfileYour positive traits: You're red hot passion makes anyone you date feel extremely wanted Loyalty, to the point of doing anything to protect your lover You are mysterious and charismatic - and you easily draw people in Your negative traits: You tend to be paranoid and think that the worst is going on with your lover You turn cold and mean at the first sign of conflict in relationship You sometimes become obsessed with dates - so much so that you develop jealousy early on Your ideal partner: Someone who will take the time to win you over. Not an easy task! Is able to keep up with your carnal appetite... lots of stamina needed. Reassures you of their love and loyalty on a daily basis. Your dating style: Intense. You prefer to stay in with take out and conversation - so that no one else is distracting you and your date. Your seduction style: Hot. New partners have trouble believing that your libido is for real. You have incredible sexual intuition - you always know what your lover craves A bit bossy. You know what you want, and you certainly aren't afraid to ask for it. Tips for the future: Don't be so secretive with your love - they want you the way you are Let go of your jealousy. Your partner has chosen *you* Spend more time alone, doing things you love. It will help you be less obsessive. Best place to meet someone online: eHarmony - your best bet at screening out untrustworthy people Best color to attract mate: Dark red Best day for a date: Tuesday Get your free love profile at Blogthings. |
is it true?hmmm..ntahlar..i also dunno..hehehe..
Lotsa shakiez n milkiez,
Princess Dee
11:04 AM
Hola!Anyone got any scissors?I need to cut my nose OFF!Urghh!Been aacchuuin n aaacchhhhuuuuiinnn..Hate it!bleargh!Niway call me SLooow or wateva ar..im sooo HOOKED with Alicia Key's,If I aint got you.. EVERYTHING means NOTHING,if I aint got you.. Simply lurve it!!heheh..
Tday was a FANTARIFFIC day for me..happy Dee..haha..Mar came over my house..n had such a GREAT time..We had sooo much to catch up..Laughin all the way..hehe..Den at 8 wen to Tamp..Punyelar ramai org..Mentang2 Sat nite korang Hooray!Hooray! eh?hehehe..Den at Century square there was thiz exhibition den saw my sec skool art pieces n DnT werks..ohh..i MISS DnT lessons..heheh..all those stupid filin..buffin..n also all those time i shared wif him..Miss it all..haizz..but it wouldn b possible to stuck onli in my sec skool dayz rite?Life muz go on..heheheh..Movin on..Wen KFC to eat..KFC soo packed..sudden suddenly gitu..den got soo many type of ppl to comment on..heheh..biaselar..kalau Dee ngan Mar dah combine forces..bnyk GoSSip..hehe..After eatin..wen to stop a while at the WOMBAD sumthin like tat..to hear the performance..wah..so nice..with their instruments all tat..like Brazillian music..stay n watch for awhile..Den head back home...Such a great day spend wif my dearest fren..Mar..heheh..
The Chicken Soup book was great..the stories?Ever Soo Touching!n as usual as i was readin a tear or two drops.. sdih seh..Dee ni emo sikit..heheh..seriously..all was soo sad..n had great stories to learn from it..love the book!!!U ppl muz read tau! ok?heheh..jadi promoter skali skala..hahah
Lotsa cherriez n beriez,
Princess Dee
3:41 PM
Hola!OB was borin as usual..write wateva was shown n the lecturer was goin on n on n on..tak reti stop luckily there was Chicken Soup to keep me awake..after skool had to do the BSG pastin of posters wif Weilin wen im supposed to meet Tasha all to take my leavin cert..u guys muz b thinkin..Leaving cert?Ya..My O level cert until now haven take yet..so long already!hehe..
After pastin all tat..waited for Jas n Malis to finished their Commskill..den it was raining!!haha..Dee kalau hujan suke!!hehe..I was soo HAPPY coz den i got to show off my umbrella..hahaha..Go design n eat den wen to Tamp to seacrh for clothes to used durin presentation..formal one..haizz..so the X..If i hav formal ones it would b better..n tanx to Mama n Papa for sponsorin my clothes..haha..mcm baju2 yg lain pakai duit Dee lak..hehe..Wen all ard TM n Century to find the nice n kinda reasonable price one..n wooh!!Mahal-mahal baju-bajunye..hehe..Like $40 over for a blouse..seriously a waste of money..den wen Metro n i found my clothes..hehehe..Nice tau!Kinda xcited to wear it..hehhe..N it's kinda oklar the price ard $57..Bought a white wif light pink stripes long sleeves n a black pants..with stripes of white..Uhh-Ohh!Im stripy!hahaha..watevalarkan..i wear n my sistaz said it's nice.. :)
So i dunno Mal gonna go see Syam dance tmr at Suntec or not..If she go den i go..but mayb she doesn go eh?hehe..ntahlar..But feelin kinda lazy..nowadayz..got no mood to go out..SO NOT DEE!hehehe..den my siblingz n parentz will go.."Eh..tak klr?asal?"..hahah..tak klr pun susa..haizzz..But i need some air..haha..i mean fresh air..da lame tak klr...ermmm..Nenek's bdae on Sun n gonna hav a gatherin tak sala..Cant wait!!Nak meet sedare2 ku yg rinduku..hehehe..
People change..everybody does..n wen a friend change it doesn means tat u hav to b drifted away by ur friend or end wateva u had wif the person..Ur buddy,ur bestest friend could change n drift away...Mayb they've drifted away but all those bittersweet memories u n ur friends shared cant possibly b erased from ur mind..n its neither one of us faults..it simply means u n ur friends are actually leadin different lives now n headin towards different goals..But although all those differences when u really put effort on it to make it werk..It will...But i wonder..Y do thiz actually happened?I hate thiz thingz..I do!But yet again..i think it's puttin strong friendship ties on test..to see whether it can hold despite all the hard times..i believe it can werk if both of ur friend take the times..but the thing is we dun put our time on it...n i wonder y?
Lotsa sWeetS n ChOcOLaTeS,
Princess Dee
3:58 PM
Hola!BLURGH!Thiz feelin sux!!Darn lar!I dun even noe wat im feelin rite now..Am I sad?Am I angry?Am I dissapointed? Am I lost?i seriously hav no idea wat im feelin..I....argh!!haizzz..
Ntahlar..Dee pun tak tau pe yg die rase..Dee confused sebenarnye.. Die tak tau ape nak buat..Dee nak everythin to b like usual...tapi it seems like nothin is usual..Ya..Life is soo unpredictable.. Dee ni kan suke nar ingat everythin will go her way..Dee..wake up lar!! Remember life is unfair..its the cruel fact of world..How can everythin go ur way?
Well..enuff of my jumble mixed up feelingz..Durin..CSA, me,Weilin n Yvonnve had soo much fun gigglin..hehe..Writtin on our MSN paper..haha..talkin n spotin guyz..hahahah..Very funni!!hehe..its like..hahah..N hehe..today u wear cap!!u look soo cute!I mean it! hehehe..kental Dee!!Seriously!haizzz...but u nvr smile at me lar.. alamak..hahah..Ok..Dee's CRAZY in the head..she's blabberin crapz!!
Tmr im goin to buy my formal clothes!!HAPPY nye..Excited!!ahha..N tmr gonna take my leavin cert..at last after all thiz time..heheh..
Lotsa flower heart,
Princess Dee
1:01 PM
Hola!Tday durin Commskill was in a very nerve-wreckin situation..hahah..First..im not prepared at all for the trail presentation..so was thinkin very hard to come out wif ideas.. at last i juz come in front of class n talked abt The Importance Of Bein Prepared..Me bein myself hav no trouble talkin craps.. but i was quite nervous tat at time i didn noe wat to talk..hehe..n fortunately for me..everythin wen well..friends were clappin for me..haha..So nxt Wed hav to wear formal..haizz..gonna buy clothes!! heheh..Excited!!
Den goin back skool..i stopped at the pasar bulat stop..coz i wan to drink slurpee..so stop at 7-11 n bought slurpee n hotdog bun..ate my way home..hehe..it was soo much FUN!gotta do it again coz its like u walkin alone wif the wind blowin..like soo great! as i walked home..i reflected on the days i had..and actually smile n smile..ppl muz tot tat im a crazy girl..hehe..which i am lar.. stay away from me!!!ahahah..
Teachin Siti juz now n in the midst of teachin her came out wif thiz..enjoyz!
Valuable To Me
What actually matters to me?
Is it fulfilling a dream I've been wishing
Or is it having someone who loves me?
Then I began to realised
What is valuable is not what I hav in life
But who I have to share it with..
And enjoy the joy of living it
Wondering..Who is valuable to me?
Thinking..As I try to make a list
Then it hits me..my family of course
Coz they're the one I love most
I thank God for havin a wonderfu; family
I'll always treasure n appreciate them
Coz with them i am the real me..
There's no hinding myself from them
They help me out whenever im in trouble..
They make me smile whenever im sad..
They carry me up whenever i stumble..
They calm me down whenever i get mad..
They're my light in my darkness..
They guide me thru in time of roughness..
Im thankful of having them..nvr wantin to replace them..
..My Family..
I noe its not so good..but the idea juz flows..heheh..hope u njoy it!Niway lurve thiz Natasha song..These words..
Trying to find the magic
Trying to write a classic
Waste-bin full of paper
Clever rhymes, see you later
These words are my own
From my heart flown
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you
There's no other way
To better say
I love you...
I love you, is that okay...?
Lotsa sunniez n rainiez,
Princess Dee
2:40 PM
Hola!I juz feel so HAPPY today!!hehe..okiez..skool was normal..n the grill chicken at engine skool was yummyliciouz! Nice seh!Cheap summore!hehe..then at engine canteen saw my senior..the one tat i said cute..darn!he was cute!!hehehe..Dee..wat hav gotten into u?hehe..alar..wat's wrong in admirin God's beauty creation kan?hahha..wif his cap..i hav a thin for guys wearin cap specially the cute ones..hehehe..n ohh my!ur smile can really make me melt seh!hehe...i was so happy tat u smiled at me juz now.. u juz make my day!!WeiLin muz think im crazy!haha..i was in joy! BITCHY DEE!
Aniwayz..met Mal,Ariff n Tasha juz now..Had a superb fantariffic time wif them..Ate at Breeks n the food was awesome!We talked abt our old sec skool dayz!Man..i miss those times..had so much great memories..all those teacher's scoldin..laughin..jokin..i MISS them soo much..juz feel like turnin back time to my sec skool time..It was the BEST!was talkin bout how Mr Salleh always targetted me..euh! miss tat teacher of mine..he make me do lotsa thingz..sit on the floor..all those stupid stuff..everytime will find fault wif me..hehe.. Miss him!den watched Secret Window..n i dun quite understand the movie..it was OK..not tat good not tat bad.. Comlpicated muz concentrate...bleah!I juz had the most great times wif u guyz!See ya soon!
Well..saw Su juz now..n i muz admit i was quite awkward juz now to talked to her..i dunno like not like last time..there's juz thiz invisible wall tat kinda holds us apart..i dunno..im confused myself..haiz..i think we should spend more time together..meet some time soon k?i seriously miss the time we joke..had fun..doin all those stupid stuffs..hope to meet up soon..
Sorry For Not Bein Me..
Sorry I cant be wat i used to be..
Sorry I acted like i didn care..
Sorry that infront of u I cant be the real me..
Sorry for the awkwardness that i put u to bear..
I tried my best to be myself..
I tried my best to act normally..
But I juz cant seem to be my real self..
I didnt noe why im actin silly..
I guess we are gettin further apart..
I guess the chemistry we used to share has fades away..
The pain i feel hurts deep inside as if its bein cut..
I nvr wan to see us driftin away..
What can I do to bring back the old times?
What can I do to bring alive all the laughters we used to share?
Juz tell me wat to do so i can keep it in mind..
And actually show you tat i really care..
Lotsa teddies n candies,
Princess Dee
2:49 PM
Hola!So who miss me?You?n You?n You?Ohh my..im soo touched..haha Im bz lar..First i hav to finished my CSA which i hav..den i wen to MAG camp..n it was fun..
Wen skool at 8 to get ready for my dance performance for the Graduation Party..quite nervouse but everythin wen fine..no forgettin of steps..after both performances den wen to MAG camp where i was allocated to my grp members..My grp name was Bulu kakiku tercabut OWW!haha..weird rite?hehe..den get to noe my grp members..Tat night there was Malam persada seni which was alrite.. The sub-grps performance was great specially drama..soo funni!hehe..
played treasure hunt..which was TIRIN coz we were runnin from ninjas..haha..stupid tehy were all over the place..hehe..everythin ended at 12..den we can sleep or do wateva we wan..Me,Baya,Mas,Sya,Ina,Aisha n Zu tell ghost stories which was scary..seriously got all my goosebumps up..haha..since we cannot slepp we did stupid thingz like goin ard field..hehe..den wen ard skool coz wanted to explore it..it was until 4.30am we decided to head back to sports complex n sleep..tirin..
Woke up ard 7..bath all tat..den had our breakfast..b4 havin our obstacle course..It was FUN!The obstacle course..our grp was last at first but we managed to catch up..its like first our rafia string which was attached to our feet putus..n we acted like nothin happens..haha..den my rafia cannot get out so took scissors n cut it..ya..cheatin!hehe..but den we managed to catch up lar..after tat played final clash..other grps was aimin at us bcoz we were winnin..haha..ya..so our lolipop get knocked down first..but it was fun..all those water bombags..throwin at each other..i was soakin wet..heheh..den wen we were reflectin..the main comp they throw water at us..n now we were all wet..blurgh!haha..so wen thru the prize ceremony..our team got the Most Compassionate Team n win third..n it was ended..i had fun..n thiz senior of mine is cute..hehe..Dee..Dee..haha..n guess wat i slept from 3pm yday to 7.30am tday!heheh..tooo tired..cant believe i slept the whole day..sorii cuzzies for not able to come wif ya ppl...pnat giler nye..hehe
So tday!Wen to skool at 9am juz to pass up our CSA..haizz..there were soo many freshies like me crowdin teacher's office..ahahah.. datedue lar katekan..9am on 16th Aug..ape aje..haha..well..ya..at last saw him after one week..he cut his hair..hehehe..still cute as usual..hahah..BITCHTY DEE!!heheh..
Lotsa hahaha n hehehe,
Princess Dee
9:18 AM
Hola!Its like 3.15am now..and wat i am doin??Postingz blogs here.. haizz..I cant sleep..blurgh!Im soo WOORRIED for my CSA..Haven finished!Gotta finish it by tmr..A must!Been rather busy thiz week.. Its like "Hey..TP is in the holz period" but me comin down everyday..hOW pathethic!!PROJECTS!PROJECTS!and more PROJECTS! Been stayin skool till ard 9pm..but aiya!den i got dance..so i must learn to juggle both..been goin to project meetinz den dance den back to meetinz..How kelian can Dee be??hehe..
Tday goin skool at 10am doin my Econs..soo i really really hope can finish everythin by tmr..Den at 11 got dance..mayb it ends at 2 or 3 den goin to lab and finish off CSA..N i think i'll b stayin in skool for a LOONG time tmr..ahahha..im soo in LURVE wif my skool..BWEEK!cant wait till Tues..my day off lar katekan coz gonna go outz wif frenz!heheh..cant wait to rest my mind after Mon coz moz of my projects gonna b finish..
I wan to sleep but i cant..i dunno why..mayb im in front of the comp soo ya..wan to do thiz n that n thiz..help Yan with his art for Os..tat bro of mine..kalau nak tlg baik nar ngan kite..haha..but even if he scold me juz now i would help him..His O seh tmr last day..if cannot finish how?later he fail den b pitiful den i'll b guilty n the feelin suckz den he'll be sad..hahahha.. so finished doin it already..helpin him with the write-up,the detailed drawin..watevalar..he asked me help like im an art student which im not..im a dnt student..haha..hate tat subj..niway,was talkin stories to him..he did the same..n juz laughed off as we did his art..mcm siblingz bondin ar..hahaha
and Seph from OC ssoooo cute..soo cute n idiot..hahaha..k..seriously ya he's soooooo CUTE!! hate Marissa..wat onli tat girl..the Ryan soo pitiful seh..hahha..n Summer should b with Seph coz they juz look good together..n i like the way Summer told Anna n Seph tat they're like brother n sister..haha..Been blog hoppin n suddenly all the bloggers tat i blog hop to are in a LOVEY mood..b it hardbroken..happy over love.. searchin for someone to love..and everythin tat is related to the werd LOVE..asal lak?ni love period ke?haha..n guess these are the reasons why they are in such mood...
Love is pure and so precious; love is not bad or not restless.
Love is red love is gold; it is a good feeling that is told.
Love is a heart beat beating so fast; love is a feeling that could always last.
Love is butterflies in your stomach, it always flip flop and always does something.
Love is something that you always have on your mind, that is why you always think why, why, why? You can't love for long and it is hard to be spoken, but be careful because your heart sometimes gets broken!
Love is precious love is gold; love will never get to old
Love was shaped into a heart
For we do not wait to love.
It's for within your heart.
To love anyone who's always going to be there in your
heart. No matter how deep your heart is.
Love is love.
Love is not too deep to be found.
It's in everyone. Love is around. Waiting to be found.
Who has love and affection for each one.
mayb eh?hahah..okiez..Dee gotta snuggle in her bed and hav a good sleep so she wont b tat tired for tmr..
Lotsa sleepies n mushies,
Princess Dee
6:51 PM
Hola!My back aches..my legs hav some bruises..My whole body=total weakness..blurgh!Ya..u guess it right..My dance..But as the sayin goes..No PAIN..No GAIN..So gotta bear with it coz i got a performance comin thiz Sat..So TP is holidayin but as usual
there's no HOLS for me..haizz..keciannye Dee..
Yday..supposed to hav BSG meetin at 10am..but i woke at 10..so am i late?haha..too tired to wake up..i alarm my hp at 8.30 but somehow i woke up at 10..PATHETHIC!hahah..take my time..bath..siapin..makapin..heheh..ya..so wen out ard 10.45..reached skool at 11..so i was late..hehe..Niway..discussed bout the captainball's tournament tat is ard the corner..blurgh!den wen off at 11.30 coz i got dance..30minz inside the
room..haha..enufflar..ahackz!So dance finished ard ermmm..4.45 like tat..late kan?but we're not good yet..urgh!My stomach was makin noises..So hungry..haven eaten from 10 except for a sweet courtesy of Nadia!Met Mal at tamp after dance and wen to KFC to eat..so finger the linking GOOD!!hehe..hungry seh!Talk to Mal..Talk n talk..
heheh..hav fun!Den got tuition so wen to aunt's house..slept my way tp Bdok..tired seh!haizz..so sleepy!Papa fetch me from aunt's house..Tanx Papa!And guess wat my ez link value is zero..Sob sob sob..haven 2 weeks yet $20 finished..gone..where did i go thiz weekend?sampai habis cpat gitu?kental btul!Papa suggested buyin concession..at last nak belikan!haha
Im skoolin again tmr n im tired yet i dun wan to sleep..haizz..miss seein ur face..hahah..cute nar lar..cant wait till skool open..hehe..Dee..Dee..hahaha..Now i noe why they say that best thingz are free..Dee's gettin crazier by the day..muahahaha..
Okiepedokiez..ohh no..now im cravin for twisties!haha..the bbq one.. hahaha..Dee..go sleep!!Da nak jadik giler tu!hehe
Lotsa polkadottiez,
Princess Dee
4:00 PM
Hola!I soo HATE my nose right now!!Urgh!Suddenly at Cuz Rozi my nose start flowin..hahah..hate it!And till now it nvr stops..Blurgh!So ya..wen to Nenek house today..and i LURVE nenek!!I'll always will lar!!Muackz n huggiez coz she top-up my prepaid..LOVE her LOADS!!She always help me to top-up if i got no money to top it up..and I simply LURVE her for tat... The BESTEST nenek in the world..hehe..I mean it!!
Tmr im skoolin though its my one week hols rite now..Got tarian and BSG meetin..haizz..kesian Dee..hehe..Im supposed to sleep rite now but ya IM-NOT-SLEEPY as usual..haahha..but gotta sleep real soon..REAL soon..hehe
Hanya kau saja di hatiku
Hanya kau satu yang kurindu
Setiap waktu tak pernah rasa jemu
Saat kau tiba
Terasa sungguh bahagia
Janji hati yang mesra bersamamu
Sehingga cinta yang pertama
Bicara cintaku
Aku ingin selalu di sisimu
Bicara rinduku
Pinta hati ini yang ingin bersamamu
Senyum tawamu
Terbawa selalu dalam mimpi
Hingga tak mampu untuk kulupakan
Kau sering di dalam ingatan
Biar dimana berada
Biar simpankan saja
Rasa percaya
Detik indah
Akan tiba menyatu akhirnya
Lurve this song..Dengarkanlah..Gotta sleep..
Lotsa cHeRrIez n BeRrIeZ,
Princess Dee
3:50 PM
Hola!im at my cuzzy house..niway..yday wen to watch the fireworks at esplanade..at it was like WOW!!I was soo amazed by the BEAUTIFUL firework..heheh..jakun lar..There were sooo many ppl there..soo crowded..sooo packed like sardines..n we hav to wait for like almost an hr for the firework..Though it was tirin coz we were standin it was all WORTH IT..had soo much fun with the girls..Cuzz Rozi n Nab n Murni..Best!!After tat we went to Satay Club to eat..and it was the MOST HORRIBLE experience eatin there..Ppl dun go there!U gonna regret...BLURGH!but all was FUN n GREAT we took soo many piczz..biaselah kalau da ade member ade digicam..ape lagi pose lar!!hehe..Here's the pic..

at the train...me,rozi,nab n murni..

the fireworks!!NICE rite?

another...soo IMPRESS!!

lookin at the menu..hmm..nak mkn ape eh?

my cuzziez..nab,rozi,art n me!

on the way back...
had lotsa fun!!n im soo in the hols mood..hehe..one week hols..though i noe i will come down skool everyday..eargh!Niway before i end HAPPY NATIONAL DAY ppl!!
Lotsa firwerkiez n funniez,
Princess Dee
5:20 AM
Hola!Im soo sleepy yet i cant seem to sleep..BLURGH!hehe..And finally ive changed my blogskin!!Yeah!After soo many figurin out how to edit some stuff..Tanx to Cuz Nab..she helped me..Tanx tanx tanx!!
SNT was tirin as usual but i managed to improvised on my dance step..need to be sharper DEE!!hehe..ya..im too lembik..haha..keraskan badan mu ohh Dee..hehe..So my performance is on the 14th Aug..wen geylang see my costumes..nice but weird sizes..haha..like a jepun jepun style..tats wat it looks like lar.. and yday meetin they were sayin bout MAG taklimat or wat u call camp..cant wait..Nad said its gonna b fun.. i seriously hope it would b fun..*cross-finger*
After tat stop at Bdok den papa fetch me..me n my family go Geylang to look at my bed set again..damn its sooo NICE!!I LIOKE!haha.. so cant wait for it to arrive..my room gonna hav a new look for Hari Raya..n mama gonna do the toilet doors all tat..improvisin my house..hahah..Best lar!!Rumah jadi cantik!heheh..Den wen to Hawa and ate there..den wen back home...had such a great day yday!!!
So my leg is in pain..so pdih..so wateva..urgh!!Mama told me to dig it out..my skin..i did as told..and guess wat my flesh was wat i see..haizz..now cant even walked properly..terencot encot..Kesian Dee..heheh..gonna do doc..mama asked me too..but the thing is i soooo the rajin to go..hmmmm..wonder whether i go or not..ehheeh
Kekasih tulis namaku
Dlm diari hatimu
Kekasih tiap senyummu
Pengubat rindu-rinduku..
heheh..lyricz from Siti Nurhaliza song..find it nice!!haha..Tmr gonna watch fireworks!!Wohhoooo!Meetin wif Cuz Rozi,Cuz Nab and her frenz..Cant wait!!very the excited!!Den gonna sleep at Cuz Rozi house yeah!!Ade mission lar..heheh..
Lotsa cHeWyChEwY gUmZ,
Princess Dee
4:06 PM
Hola!Tday's my last paper n im sooo HAPPY..heheh..hooray!hooray! hahah..After paper which was at 10..Me,Malis n Jas wen to Malis house..we intend..i repeat intended to do our CSA project..tapi apekan daye niat tak kesampaian..hehe..so we didn do it..ermm..after tat wen to town wif Malis..search for her black skirt for werk..roundin far east..like soo DIFFICULT to find one..why is it wen we want somethin its soo difficult to find but wen we dont need them..its right in front of our eyes..haizz...so nonsenscical..blurgh!heheh..Niway we managed to find one though after lots of tawafin..hehe..
Cuz Rozi msged me..wanna meet..yelar..da misss adik sedaramu nikan? heheh..so met her at town den Malis wen off coz shes meetin her friend..wen to heeren..window shop..soo many thingz wanna buy!!!urgh! i goota get tat Roxy bag..i need to!!heheh..Well..soo many stories to tell to Rozi..vice versa..talked n talked..gossip n gossip..haha..den ate taco bells n pizza hut..two in one..and get a 25% off..woohoo!!heheh..wen to tamp and took piczies..hehe..yelar..lepaskan rindu..haha..niway..gonna see the fireworks on Sun..yesh!heheh..jakun nye Dee..hehehe..
My mama goin to go to Vietnam on the 22nd..n i cant go..boohoo! BLAME it on poly..moohoo!kalau gi kan best..urgh!bleah!
here's the picz..ENJOY!!

DiVa in AcTiOnz


LuRVe ThIz..

LasT poSe..
Lotsa YiPppeEe YeaH,
Princess Dee
2:33 PM
Hola!okiez..the poems tat i post yday was not finished..coz my bro was sittin bside me coz he wanted me to get off the comp..so i got to end short..if he reads then he'll be "EEEwWWw!!"..hehe..
What's happening to me?
What's gotten into me?
Can someone figure this out?
im beginnin to get mad
I hardly know you
But yet i seem to care
Nvr even talk to you
But yet i feel the urge to share
I wonder if u realise that i care you
That i spend hours talkin bout you
That my friends noe bout you
Wen you dun even noe them
How long are u goin to haunt me?
Will my love goin to be returned?
Will i noe if we were meant to be?
Or is it fate my love is goin to be unheard?
okiez..ENJOY!hehe..my nose is in soo much pain the effects of blowin it soo much..gotta study..OB tomorrow!last paper..YEAH!
Lotsa wordiez,
Princess Dee
4:11 AM
Hola!blurgh!i wanna cut my nose!!!hate it!Been acchhhooiinn since morn..CSA test was alrite but i hate it wen i sit for the test coz i wen achoo every minute n my this PRECIOUS nose of mine wont stop runnin!!haizzz...I used almost 6 packets of tissue paper..blurgh! 3 from Jas..1 from Lester..2 i bought!!n this flu juz wont go away!! IRRITATIN!So my Econs,Accounts n CSA have been seated..Fri gonna get over with OB and Dee you're free!!hehe..Last paper..Fuh!
Yday met with Mal,Tasha n Tisa..Long time nvr met them..Ate pizza n my stomach was like sooo FULL..the cheese meatballs are YUMMYLICIOUZ!!hehe..n Tasha pierce her nose..hehe.. had a hard time decidin whether to pierce or not..haha..well..we juz wen all ard tamp..had a fun time yday!!meet up soon girlz!!
Welly welly..nxt week my hols..but its like everyday come skool.. BOOOO!!!hehe..Do projects..dance..blurgh!!Soo many thingz to do..n also ya my Business studies group meetin..BleaH!soo many thingz..soo little time..
Where are you?been searchin high n low..n still cant find u..hmm..
What's happening to me?
What's gotten into me?
Can someone figure this out..
Im begginin to get mad
I hardly know you
But yet I seem to care
Never even talked to you
But yet i feel the urge to share
haha..okiez...gonna teach tuition..
Lotsa aaachooo n wohhooo,
Princess Dee
6:32 PM
Hola!!Im sick free..woohoo!!though still got the aaachooo..hehe.. Niway..only revised my CSA topic one onli!!darn!!Dee..go study ar..go!!go now!!hehe..later ar..Dee wan to write blog lar..hahah.. LAME LAME Dee..heheh
Finished learnin my dance step..but gotta improved on it..fuhh!! My knee ache coz of the slidin..but kinda used to it..ermm..Yday me n Baya wen Bugis met Mar n her friend Gary..Gary soo funny..i muz say he very hehehhe..i dunno the word..juz plain bitchy!haha..ate fish n co..Long time nvr go there..so yday ate there..the pasta n shrimp salad was alrite..cold though!hehe..Me n Baya had dance at 6 but we wen off ard 5.5o like tat..was sooo late..reach skool at 7..n only 5 ppl came..PATHETHIC!!
Okiepedokiez..Mid sem comin..n im sooo not ready..gotta sleep late tday..finish wif my darn CSA..haizzz..den tmr Econs n Accounts.. den i duuno lar gotta see my study timetable..hehe..smanagt tau..make one..easy to track..heheh..i sat in front of my book..den stare at them..and sen i walked out room watch tv..BLURGH!!How to study like tat???sobby!!heheh..seriously Dee..GO STUDY!!I will I promise..
Dee misses her frinds!!her two bestfriends!! Mal n Su..Ppl wen to go out???Long time nvr meet..long time..missin u ppl already..miss me too!!hehe..And ohh ya..did i tell u tat my skool library..is like wow!!hehe..i mean the place where we can sit n watch those stupids channels..haha..i mean really like we can onli watch news..discovery n sports..but well i love the sittin place..can sleep can lie down..haha..me n Wei lin sat there gossipin..hehe..while waitin for our friends..hehe..such a great place..My skool friends have been GREAT!!I lovees them!!heheh..such a CRAZY bunch..hehe..all sorts of ppl!!heheh..from all parts of the world..hhahhaha..
eh..u so popular ar?even my engine fren noe u..hehhe..muz b tat u soo cute..cant believe i said it!!hehehehe..k..off to studyin..
Lotsa studies n missies,
Princess Dee
11:47 AM