Love is rarer than genius itself. And friendship is rarer than love.

this picture would have been perfect with Tasha inside. ahhh, i miss my busok laa. well, it would be perfect-ER with Rohana in it but she was just being herself backing out the last minutes. hehehe. we wanted to head to Sunset grill to try their SPICY chicken but to our dismay the place is closed on Tuesday! of all days laa! buang mase print map je! so we settled for Fish & Chicks at Sembahwang where we were talking non-stop because it's been awhile since we all last met up. Seletar for camwhoring session and a whole lot of laughters. i love my ol school loves and i can't wait for our mini Jalan Raya. *dances around*
3:33 AM
2:57 AM
You can’t stop loving or wanting to love because when its right, it’s the best thing in the world.

his cousin: dengar-dengar Mahir cakap die nak tunang?
me: *gulps* AH TUNANG? dengan sape je die nak tunang eh. i tak nak tunang.
his cousin: alaaa okay what tunang.
me: NO WAY!
HAHAHAHAHA! i really don't know what Ahmad has been talking behind my back but tunang is definitely out of the picture. goodness, when can this tunang/marriage issue dissappear. Ahmad surprised me every single time.
today, we headed out to catch the F1 practice session with his cousins. seriously, i don't enjoy myself watching the car passing by at the speed of light like he did. i enjoyed talking with Hazurah more. HAHAHA. i swear we girls could not fathom boys and their love for cars. OH WELLS!
anyhoos! yesterday, i amused myself by plucking the courage and headed to his place because his mum wanted me to. all these time, i was giving all silly excuses i could find every single time his mum wanted to meet me because i am pengecut like that and i really don't know how to talk/ambik hati orang tua. but because his mum bought dresses for me from Bangkok (too sweet!), i am obliged to meet her.
and so it went better than i had expected with Ahmad leaving me in the kitchen to talk to his cousins outside. tsk! the horror laa, die pikir aku nak kemas dapur die agaknye. thank god for his sister who kindly invited me to her room. i shall give myself a pat because i could utter some words instead of being numb while eating, while watching tv, while talking. hee.
that aside, i don't want anymore meet-ups with his family, not now at least cause im still feeling the jitters from the previous one. in his words you memang tak fair, almost everyday i go your place, you tak pernah nak datang my place. this boy never understands my position as a very pengecut girlfriend. ISK!
and everything aside, i can't wait for december to shop with my favourite peoples! *dances around*
1:28 AM
The love of a family is life's greatest blessing

5:58 PM
i just completed my 1500 words essay to which i actually exceeded. limitations can suck. hehe. im all done with them assignments but im not really looking forward to Math test on Tuesday. argh! it seems like i won't be heading out on Monday with them family. *nangis tersedu-sedu*
yesterday, i drove to Johor! not too bad, i say! HAHAHA! headed to angsana with Mama for last minute shopping for the house and bought lots of things. and then i became the driver for the whole day, going to places to take kuehs, going to mall to shop for my family raya stuffs and a whole lot more. PENAT SANGAT!
i love my baju kurungs! hehehe. i can't wait to don it tomorrow. my siblings and i been looking at the mirror, strutting our baju kurungs around the house for the last couple of days. mama is still not satisfied with the cleanliness/look of the house, papa is gubah-ing them bungas for all the tables in the house. yes, all of them bungas in the house is gubah-ed by my dad. it's crazy around here. hehe. i guess that's the reason the raya spirit in me/us never died down because my family is silly like that. that said, im still not done with my cleaning of my wardrobe. damn annoying cause the clothes kept piling up! tsk!
anyhoos, Selamat Hari Raya to all of you! have fun strutting around the neighbourhood with your new bajus!
11:56 AM
You've got a smile that can light up the whole town.

them two sweets have definitely light up my life. i had an awesome time on Saturday, spending my afternoon threading them bushy eyebrows, rebonding my curled hair and shopping with Liyana. Ahmad then joined us to break fast at Sofra where we ate too little for paying a little too much. i don't like the place. hee. Comex show was crazy! too many people for too little space to walk around. tsk! and because we love ice-creams, we headed to Dempsey for B&J, SUNGGUH SEDAPS! we had a good spot for a crowded space. hehe. i love you guys! sayang sangat!
12:40 AM

Dian boys.

Dian iftar was crazy fun! we had soo much food to eat from eclairs to chewy juniors to donuts to awfully chocolate cakes to Abg Busu's nasi goreng to all those BBQ foods! we definitely got our stomach filled til the brim! we had a whole lot of laughters from our acting videos to our jokes to our silly antics to everything. my Dian loves are da bomb! i definitely can't wait for our raya outing and the PHOTOSHOOT! sayang korangs la!
1:40 AM
The language of friendship is not words but meanings.

my KBs came over my place the other day to break fast, since im not really allowed to go out cause mama was sick. i had an awesome time lepak-in at home and laughing away with our silly jokes. after which, we had craving for ice-cream so out we went after SG idol and headed to Mad Jack for desserts. babies, i had a good time! to out melayu theme jalan raya! lovelove!
12:39 AM