I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you.
then the title of my book would be life with Superman,
that's how you make me feel, I count you as a privilege,
this love is so ideal, I'm honored to be in it,
I know you feel the same, I see it everyday,
in all the things you do, and all the things you say
If I were to try to count,the ways to make me smile,
I'd run out of fingers before I run out of timeless things to talk about,
sugah you keeps it going on, make me wanna keep my loving strong,
make me wanna try my best to give you what you want, what you need,
giving you my whole heart not just a little piece, more than a minimum,
I´m talking everything more than a single wish, I´m talking every dream
If there's options, I don't want them,
they're not worth my time cause if it's not you,
Oh, no thank you ,I like us just fine,
you a roc in the sand, you're the smile in a crowd,
you´re my joy through the pain, you're the truth through the lies,
no matter what I do, I know that I can count on you
Happy 34th love. You are definitely my roc. hee.
2:08 AM
You don't need to know everything in life, just the things you need to be happy.

the jalan raya with my KBs was awesome. we spent 10 hours on 4 houses! hehe. and i love it! how we take pictures to the lift, in the lift, to the carpark, in the car, to the house, in the house, out of the house, EVERYWHERE la! gilaa sangat! i had a crazy time dancing my day away with them. and i can't wait for Veen's big day! we really can't stop talking about it. how beautiful everything would be. them girls, they're amazing and i love them so much. and you see the 4 girls above, they're definitely in my bridesmaid list followed by a few others i have in mind. im thankful im blessed with beautiful people around me.
12:36 AM
this year Dian Raya was a bit special because we TUA BANGKAs received duit raya. and it definitely made us happy, it somehow relives our dapat duit collection memories.haha!

well, of course with or without them moolahs, we definitely had an awesome time with endless phototakings, delicious foods, crazy laughters and our silly jokes/antics. and BOO! me for not being in the bus, THANK GOD there's next year! =)

i miss them Dian loves too much. i smell crazy fun on the 18th! hehe.
1:41 AM
i was so excited to get married on a beautiful Tuesday afternoon that i have totally forgotten about my beautiful dress i bought just for that beautiful day. so decked with a pair of rundown jeans and a studded black plain top, i rushed down to a beautiful park with a bouquet of beautiful red roses to meet my beautiful husband to be.

the beautiful fairy then introduced me to her beautiful fairy friend. i was so happy to get to know them beautiful fairies because they are my beautiful friends now. we named ourselves the KBs and we live happily ever after. i love my beautiful fairies plus Zila of course! hehe.

4:15 AM